Frequently Asked Questions

  • Reach out to mackenzie@SincereLivestock or the Sincere Livestock Designs Facebook Page for your free personalized project quote. If you would like to move forward with the project once you have a quote, just let SLD know! This will put your project on the “To Do” list.

  • Depending on the project type and whether you have worked with SLD previously, you may be asked to fill out a design questionnaire. Once that is complete, or once your project is reached in the project timeline, SLD will reach out with several proof options for your project. From there we will tweak, change, swap, or go back to the drawing board until we finalize your final graphics. Once the graphics are approved an invoice will be sent via email. Invoices must be paid in full prior to receiving any final files or printed projects. Upon payment, artwork will hit the printer and digital files will be emailed to the client.

  • Every client and project is different and will require a different amount of time to complete projects. Because of this, each project is quoted individaully. Reach out for a quote on your next project!

  • Absolutely, SLD has several different website packages that give you different options in terms of service provided. Please keep in mind that websites that are built for packages that include customer only updates will be built more basic purposfully to allow updates that do not require code changes.

  • Yes, SLD websites can be built with ecommerce store. If you SLD website did not include an ecommerce store when built, you can upgrade your service to include ecommerce.